Rio Olympics: An Olympic Nightmare

Let the games begin. Firstly, when the Olympic committee voted to award the 2016 Olympics to a city that has the freaking distinction of being one of the leading crime and murder capitals, let alone one of the biggest dumping ground for raw material stores of the world should have raised so many red flags to every participating country that something was just a little bit annoying. Even yet what has already been occurring for years has been a complete economic, financial and environmental nightmare.

Arthur L. Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University who wrote that hold the Olympics in Brazil would be irresponsible. Scientists are warning that the Zika virus is so dangerous, that it would be unethical to allow the Rio Olympics as planned this August. More than 100 doctors, health experts & researchers from around globe signed an open letter to give pleasure the International Olympic Committee.
The Zika virus harms health in ways that science has not observed before nowhere. An unnecessary risk is occured when 500,000 foreign tourists from all countries attend the Games, physically acquire that strain, and return home where it can become epidemic. It is unethical & unhealthy to run the risk just for the games. The Rio Olympics is scheduled from August 5 to 21, and more than 400,000 foreign tourists are expected to attend the games. Some scientists state several reasons why the Olympic in Rio must be cancelled. First there is Rio itself. Second, city is way more affected by the Zika virus than anywhere else in the world.  And when you have so many foreigners crowded in the Olympic city just makes it more probable to for the Zika virus to spread quickly to their home countries once the game is over.
It is time for athletes to show their potential, but the health and safety for all above the value placed on hosting the Olympic game. Moreover, the infrastructure that is supposed to have been put in the city of Rio of all the sewage and pollution that has polluted the city for years. The Polluted water, the shoddy construction of venues, the Zika virus the ongoing gang violence, no safe transportation has all the elements that spell an Olympic nightmare.


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