Message From the Universe: Giving Away Powers

"An aged soul is always prepared to admit when they might be wrong, especially when they're not.
I think,
Older than the solar system, 
The Universe,

Whether a new or old soul, it doesn't really matter. The act for admit being wrong is an act any real responsible person should do. Even at times, or though when you feel you are right, giving other person that pleasure is sometimes worth it. Sometimes wanting to be right all the time will eventually get people into nerves, which in returns, might let others avoid you like a plague. Not every battle in your life is worth winning, and giving chance to others to get a taste of being true is a satisfaction in itself. I am not saying to go against your opinions at all & admitting guilt even when it is not your fault, but for the small things in life where it never really affect you in any form is better to let the others win. When it comes to the people near to you, this approach is sometimes more appreciated than always have it in your way. You may be smart, but that doesn't always bring you to the desired destination.

By admitting your defeat doesn't make you a fool or loser something. Actually you are winning all the times, no matter which approach you use. You have that power of being wiser, smarter, emotions observer about things you deal with on a day to day basis. Not many people have that capability. So share that power of your and give it away to the people you care about. One won't be doing this for the rest of his/her life, but just for this time only. Believe me, it feels amazing.


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