Message From the Universe: Take Action First, the Rest Will Follow

Don't wait for the feelings of excitement, confidence, and clarity or before you take action.
Take action first without all of them, and they will follow you.
To the Universe"

There can never be a perfect moment for you to take action towards reaching your dreams then NOW. You don’t have to wait to finish school or find a better job, or until you get this promotion, or whatever excuses you can come up today to delay what you can and will do tomorrow. It is always better to take action when your ideas are still fresh in your mind and when your level of motivation is high. This is the moment you have to capture because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get the desire to pursue that same dream or goal. This is not always the case, but for the most, they do start creating excuses that they don’t have find reasons not to aim for a better life. What are you afraid of? Are you not smart enough to make it happen? Is the task too difficult to attain?  Are you afraid to fail? We are all human beings and failing isn't means this is the end of the world. Remember, the word F.A.I.L means First Attempt In Learning, so without this first attempt, you will have no second or third or fourth.

It's fine to choose a door (taking an action), going through it and realizing that it wasn't the right one for you. Then turn around & go back to where you started & find yourself another one. If all doors are locked, then open your mind and create yourself a door that will suit you better so you can succeed in your own way. Be creative, be unique and built something that people will always remember you for that. If you fail over and over again, it is perfectly OK. Edison tried over 1000 times with the light bulb before it worked so just imagine if he wouldn’t have done his project to 1001 times, but he never quit. He is now in the history books and everyone knew him. Be that one who will NEVER quit, no matter what happens.

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