Tips & Tricks - 6 Ways to stay out of heat in summers ( Cure for rashes & pimples )

In summer, heat kills our skin. As we know “Prevention is better than cure”. So we can prevent our skin from rashes, pimples in summer. Here are some homemade tips getting out from heat:

TIP 1: Stay out of the heat: One of the main causes of heat rash is exposure to hot weather that develops sweating. The less sweat will build up behind your blocked pores and the less irritated your rash will be. Thus, it is better to spend time out from heat.

·         Spending time in an air-conditioned area is a very good idea. Only air conditioning does not make the air cooler — it also makes it much less humid. As high humidity keeps sweat from evaporating, eliminating heat rash.

TIP 2: Wear loose clothing. If you're suffering from rashes & pimples, it's wise to wear clothes that help your skin to breathe fresh air.

·         It's not just about the clothes you wear. It's also about what they're actually made of. Fabrics like cotton & jersey-like exercise weaves are more breathable and tend to be best, while sheer fabrics like nylon and polyester are least breathable.

TIP 3: Avoid hard physical exercises.
 Exercise raises your body temperature and makes you sweat that’s exactly what you don't want when you have a heat rash. However physical activity is great for long-term health, but in the short term, it can keep heat rashes and even make it worse. Take the opportunity to avoid it and rest as much as you can. Ofcourse you can do some little weight or less energetic exercises to keep you fit. This includes:
·         Sports
·         Running
·         Weightlifting/calisthenics

TIP 4: Use efficient powder to dry your skin.  Many times, in a hot and humid climate, it can be difficult to keep your skin dry, even if you avoid physical activities. In these cases, one should apply small amount of powder, this can be include baby powder, talcum powder. These powders absorb moisture and keeping the skin dry. 

·         Don't use scented or perfumed powders, as these can irritate rash-affected skin. You can also not to apply any sort of powder to open wounds, as this can lead to an infection.

TIP 5: Bathe 3 times a day and let your skin dry. Keep your skin clean is important when you have virtually any kind of rash. Dirt and bacteria can all make a heat rash worse by starting an infection, but regular bathing (at least one per day while you have a rash) can help keep your skin free of these infections. After bathing, don't use a towel on the rash-affected skin. Towels can irritate the skin further and transfer infection-causing bacteria on to it.

TIP 6: Give your skin a chance to get fresh air every day- When you are suffering from heat rash, always remember you don't have to wear the same clothes all day. If you are busy at some other work or responsibilities keep you wearing the breathable clothes that are best for heat rash, you have to take them off when you get a chance to rest. This isn't compulsory to do, but giving a chance to skin to breathe some of the time is better than never giving it a chance to breathe at all.


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