Tips & Tricks - 4 ways to keep your body Strong & Healthy ( Natural tips)

Now a day people don’t have enough time to keep body fit & fine. Here are some tips & tricks to keep your body Strong, healthy & get posture of your body as your age.

Tip1: Protect Your Brain

Human loses brain volume as they become aged, but the hormone of stress cortisol speeds the decline said by McGill University researchers. Help your mind with freshly air walk daily. It will also get rid of you from heat & relief not only your body but mind from stress.
Tip2: Shield Your Heart

Old-man arteries become stiff with age, inhibiting blood flow and increasing the risk of a heart attack. But, Irish researchers found that supplementing with 500 milligrams of vitamin C daily significantly improves arterial flexibility. Moreover, daily drinking of juice at morning keeps your heart beat fine.
Tip3: Save Your Face

To keep your face clean & smooth, do yourself a favor and commit to sleeping 8 hours a night, said by David Bank, M.D., director of the Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic in New York. While you're asleep, your body produces collagen and elastin i.e. two proteins that help your skin stay smooth.
Note: Turkish researchers report that stomach sleepers can develop wrinkles on faces due to years of friction between bedding and skin. If it’s your slumber style, switch to satin pillowcases now.
Tip4: Preserve Your Vision

Refined carbohydrates can raise your risk of aged-related muscular degeneration by 49%, according to a Tufts University study. "When the sugar load exceeds the cell's ability to use it, eyes proteins stops working," said by author Allen Taylor, Ph.D. 

Note: Tips for glowing skin through herbals, Click here


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